The northern white rhinoceros is one step closer to extinction with the death of Suni, one of only two breeding males left of his kind.

Suni, seen here at Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy in November 2010, died at age 34.
White rhinos are thought to be able to live up to 40 or 50 years. This 34-year-old animal met its untimely death on October 17 in his enclosure in Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy, possibly from natural causes,as the reserve said in a statement.An autopsy is under way, but officials are certain poachers did not kill Suni, as the animal was monitored around the clock.
The death of the rare creature, which had not fathered any
offspring, leaves only six northern white rhinos left on Earth,
including just one male of that subspecies. The southern white rhino, a related subspecies, is considered near threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Born at the Dvůr Králové Zoo in the Czech Republic, Suni had been an emblem of hope: He was one of four of the world's eight remaining northern rhinos sent to the Kenyan conservancy in 2009 as part of a last-ditch effort to save the critically endangered subspecies.
So far, it hasn't worked. "It's a shame the subspecies got
to that point—that's the worst-case scenario in trying to bring back a
subspecies," said Matthew Lewis, senior program officer for African species conservation at WWF.
The northern white rhinoceros is a "victim of evolution,"
Lewis added—it was a remnant population cut off from the southern white
rhinoceros by the Great Rift Valley and the dense forests of Central
Already isolated and occurring in low numbers, the northern
subspecies got caught up in political turmoil in Sudan, the Central
African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda, and
its numbers quickly dwindled because of poaching and habitat loss.
(Related: "Why African Rhinos Are Facing a Crisis.")
Suni takes a walk in November 2010 at Ol Pejeta Conservancy, where he moved in 2009 from his birthplace in the Czech Republic. |
That "we've lost [the subspecies] is a statement of just how bad off large animals are across Africa," said Pimm, who is also a contributor
to National Geographic's News Watch blog. "It's a measure of the fact
that rhinos are being massively poached and in trouble wherever they
From African lions to elephants, many of the continent's
megafauna species are plummeting in number due to poaching and other
human causes. (See a map of the international illegal trade in rhinos.)
"It also means we're losing this distinctive, important animal within the savanna ecosystem," he said.
Rhinoceroses are key to keeping grasslands healthy, as they eat—and keep in check—particular species of savanna plants.
"It's not just another charismatic animal—it's also a
species that has a very clear ecological role, and we need to be very
worried that we have lost that," Pimm said.
Black rhinos |
The black rhinoceros,
which has four subspecies, is doing relatively well, though widespread
poaching for the animals' horns, which are used in Asian traditional
medicine, continues to flourish, he said.
Conservationists are now focusing their efforts on ensuring
the safety of these animals and reducing the demand for rhino horn in
Asian countries such as Vietnam.
But scientists aren't ready to give up on the northern white rhino entirely, he added.
For instance, if the last breeding male doesn't mate, scientists may
be able to breed the northern white rhino females with the southern
That would preserve some of the genes of the northern white rhino, even if the genes are mixed with those of their relative.
And the Ol Pejeta Conservancy is still on the case.
"We will continue to do what we can to work with the
remaining three animals on Ol Pejeta," the reserve said in a statement,
"in the hope that our efforts will one day result in the successful
birth of a northern white rhino calf."
Well i guess the white male rhino should be well taken care of to avoid extinction. because there is nothing like a virgin female rhino!
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